House of Fools, The | Dom wariatów – dir. Marek Koterski, 1984

date: 30/07/2012 time: 21:00 place: Allianz Cinema film program: retrospective of Marek Koterski film program: and God created actor. Marek Kondrat artistic program: films

PL | 1984 | 93 min
reż|dir Marek Koterski pro|pro Michał Szczerbic scen|wr Marek Koterski zdj|ph Zbigniew Wichłacz muz|mus  Jerzy Satanowski mon|ed Mirosława Garlicka ob|cast  Marek Kondrat, Tadeusz Łomnicki, Bohdana Majda, Leszek Teleszyński dys|dis SF im. Karola Irzykowskiego (Warszawa)


After a longer absence, Adaś (Marek Konrat), a man in his thirties, comes to visit their parents’ house and spends one evening with them. Sitting at a table, the people seem to be in one another’s way, are malicious to one another, they do not venture beyond a ritual once established by force of habit, just like it used to be in the character’s childhood.

“If I was to say in short what ‘the House of fools’ is about I would say it is a play about nothing but this nothing fills the lives of its characters” – says Koterski in an interview. Depicted against toxic family relations, a portray of Adaś Miauczyński, lost and emotionally unstable, is drawn for the first time only to be deepened by Koterski in his subsequent movies.

The Koszalin Debut Films Festival – “The Young and Cinema” 1985 – Wojciech Wiszniewski’s Award (journalists’ award) for “the most promising creative personality”, award for director’s debut in the feature film category; “Wawrzyn” (Laurel) award granted by Radar weekly.